Starting a business can be challenging, so having the support of a mentor will be invaluable to your success. Many entrepreneurs who are single-mindedly focused on a few aspects of their business and in the day to day grind have difficulty stepping out and observing the whole machine with all of its cogs. Entrepreneurs tend to be reluctant to ask for help; however this can slow down your success.  A mentor can see things from a big picture perspective and can provide valuable guidance and insight into areas that you can improve upon both personally and in day to day operations.

  1. Anticipate Challenges

Every entrepreneur will face new challenges on a daily basis. While you may be facing a challenge for the first time, is likely that your mentor has encountered something similar before. Taking advantage of your mentor’s experience and knowledge will save you wasted time where it could be spent expanding your business. A mentor can also often anticipate these problems before they occur, leading to the issues being averted.

  1. Networking and Contacts

Experts agree that the most connected people are often the most successful. When you invest in your relationships — professional and personal — it can make the difference between flourishing and failing. However, for most people it is a skill that takes time to learn. A mentor can save you a great deal of time, making introductions to people who will help move your business in the right direction. You will need to learn the art of networking, but a simple introduction can get the ball rolling until you have started to develop strong contacts.

  1. Self-Confidence

As the owner of your business you’ll probably face times of uncertainty. You may question your ability to successfully start a company.  It can be difficult to deal with pressure when you are still waiting for success. Having the support of a mentor who knows what works can make a big difference. You may not be fully aware of your own strengths, but your mentor will have seen your potential. When we surround ourselves with good energy, we are automatically more productive which will boost our self-confidence. You may be shocked at what you’re able achieve.

  1. Accountability

Accountability can help give that push needed to get us across the finish line. Most entrepreneurs put a lot of pressure on themselves, but there are elements to running a business that may be less than palatable. There are things that we put off until the very end or do not do at all because we are not confident in our own abilities or are afraid of failing. Entrepreneurship is all about assuming a risk for a reward, and accountability is core to generating the desired results. To make it work, you must trust yourself and your mentor. You will find there is a thrill and satisfaction to making decisions and standing behind them. A mentor can challenge you and ensure that you are consistently looking at areas that are being neglected; driving you to pursue excellence in all areas of business.




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