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I have worked with Nancy McHugh for over 25 years! She is an incredible leader, an expert in her field and someone that I have enjoyed working with all of these years. 

It was a wise decision on my part to team up with Nancy, all those years ago. I would certainly do it again if I were starting today. 

She is a leader that is there to guide, mentor, teach and support by giving you all the tools, and hand up. Working as a team is important.

I did go through a challenging time personally with my health and despite all of the challenges at that time I was able to continue to build a large, sustainable business with Nancy’s leadership. Build it once, the right way and have a business to last a lifetime! 

For all of these reasons, I am grateful and highly recommend that you choose Nancy to build a business with.

Thank you Nancy.

Catherine Bobesich

Founder, Wellness by Design

Undoubtedly, one of the most important business decisions we make is the selection of  the leader or partner we want to work with. Twenty years later, I would still pick Nancy as my first choice leader….a truly outstanding role model and mentor.

Here’s why I love working with her:

The opportunity to work with an inspiring mentor can change everything.  It’s been said that an average leader tolerates…..a good leader celebrates……and a truly great leader elevates.  And elevate is what she does well.  She is an effective leader and mentor because she never dismisses people after only a glance. Giving up on someone is not her style.  And, yes, once in a while we need our leader to be inspirational….which she is. But even more often we need them to be pointed and practical.  Nancy does it all very well.

She has become great at what she does because of an equal mix of energy and expertise which she readily shares with all of us.  Leadership is a tough calling….a requirement, none the less.  It requires coping with uncertainty, boredom sometimes, isolation occasionally, and yes sometimes even negativity………and SUCCESS is inevitable! Coaching people through all of it is her strength.  In fact, the encourager, as Nancy is, is always the most memorable in the room.

I love it that I’ve now been partnered with Nancy for over 20 years….a leader who continues to grow. And I get the pleasure of growing along side her.

What a road to success we’re on together!

Sandy Stevens

Nancy McHugh was the leader I needed when I was looking to make a significant life change. I lived in Connecticut and commuted to New York City every day for my corporate job. The commute could be 90 minutes or 3 hours each way. I was doing what a lot of corporate guys do…run for the top of the ladder but was missing out on life. 

I connected with Nancy and was immediately impressed with her knowledge, leadership, and skill. She poured her time into me helping me build a business alongside my corporate job, giving me hope for the future and a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Before long, I was making more money with my side-business than I was at my job. I was able to walk away from the corporate stress and 3 – 6 hour daily commutes and invest that time into my family. 

I’ll forever be grateful to Nancy for showing me a better way and helping me get there. In my opinion, there isn’t a better mentor out there. 

Kent Wonnell

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